Over and over in the 60-year history of Eastside, God has made a way where there was no way. And we believe that He’s not done with us yet. Far from it. Coming out of a global pandemic, there has never been a more urgent need for Eastside to move boldly and to trust completely. The times are challenging, but, without a doubt, WE’LL SEE HIM DO IT AGAIN!
That’s why we are embarking on a season in our church unlike any other – one that will require openness to God working deeply in us and through us, in new levels of faith and generosity. As God’s UNFINISHED PEOPLE, we ask God to continue shaping us into His image as we grow deeper in our surrender to Him. As part of God’s UNFINISHED STORY, we ask God to continue using Eastside as a powerful conduit advancing the gospel one neighborhood at a time.

Last year, as we celebrated 60 years of changed hearts and lives through Eastside, we prayerfully and humbly embarked on a two-year generosity initiative called UNFINISHED. Today, we are at the mid-point because He is still not finished with Eastside! As we continue to declare his faithfulness, we eagerly anticipate what He will do in and through us.
Our primary goal is 100% participation on this journey by everyone who calls Eastside home, because we don’t want anyone to miss out on this opportunity. I can’t wait to see all that God is going to do!
Our team created this guide as an outline of the two-year challenge set before each of us. Please write your answers to these questions in this booklet so you can refer back to them throughout the coming years. Our hope is that this simple set of questions and scripture, along with your prayer times, will become a catalyst to help you deepen your relationship with God during this special season at Eastside.
Regardless of where you are in your spiritual journey, we know God has more for you; and it’s possible that the most life-changing, influential, and personally engaging days of your life could still be ahead. It is our privilege to walk beside you as you continue to navigate your journey with Him.
This season of our church will be like no other. We look forward with great anticipation to what God will do in and through Eastside as we seek to make an even greater impact on our communities, our nation, and our world. During this season we will seek to live out uncompromising faith, unprecedented hope, and unrelenting love as we continue to declare that God’s mission is for everyone. Excited to be on this adventure with you!
Together for Him,

The Primary Goal is 100% Engagement
We believe that God's work in us is unfinished and He is calling us to take our generosity with Him to new levels.
The Secondary Goal is $54 million
We will not compromise in our day-in, day-out ministry. This number represents our ministry operating budget for the next two years as we pursue God, build community, and unleash compassion.
The needs have never been greater in our communities and around the globe, especially as we experience the long-term impact of a global pandemic. Over the coming two years, we will offer unprecedented levels of hope as we serve our global and local partners, including new initiatives to launch an international Eastside campus.
With unrelenting love we take radical risks to reach people far from God. This will enable the launch of three new campuses, provide needed and ongoing improvements to existing campuses, and significantly reduce our long-term debt to free resources for more ministry.
For 60 years, God has been charting an Unfinished journey for the neighbors, friends, and communities of Eastside Christian Church.