Be a part of the 100% engagement by making a commitment to UNFINISHED.
God has called Eastside Christian Church to pursue an UNFINISHED STORY for an UNFINISHED PEOPLE.


Check out this video from Gene Appel as he walks through the commitment card with you.


First and foremost, we are asking you to pray and seek God’s guidance on what He is asking of you. Prepare your heart to hear him, and then listen to what he says. Join an Unfinished Small Group during this season, if you haven’t already. Talk with your family about what it means for you to engage in Jesus’ mission more fully. We are asking that we ALL make a sacrificial commitment through our generosity as we reach together to fulfill God’s mission and vision for us. We are asking that our level of faith and obedience do not stay the same – because God is not done with us yet. Finally, we are asking that you prepare yourself to be amazed at what God is going to do! It is an awesome God that we serve. He is moving in huge ways, and we anticipate an unprecedented impact from our collective Unfinished commitments. Please mark your calendar for our Commitment Weekend on November 5/6, and prepare to experience a life-changing worship service that will forever be remembered as a defining moment for our church and for our own faith.

Be creative as you explore ways you and your family can give towards the Unfinished Initiative. You might have some stocks, property, or even some stored resources that God has blessed you with in the past that he just might be calling you to give out of during this time. If you have questions about non-cash generosity please email Larry Winger, Pastor of Giving and Generosity at

Your commitment will culminate in December 2024.

Unfinished is a one-fund initiative, meaning all of our giving is united, just like our mission to Pursue God, Build Community, and Unleash Compassion. We are ONE church with ONE mission, and Unfinished will help fuel our mission as ONE. However, we have campus-specific projects that are priorities for us and our mission. We all get the benefit of joined giving when we accomplish our mission together.

If you have any more questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. Contact us at 714-871-6844 or email us at