Mitch and I started going to Eastside in 1982. We joined a small group that is still meeting to this day. We raised our kids together, and now our kids are grown up, married, and have kids of their own. We’re so blessed that our kids and grandkids attend Eastside. We have three generations at Eastside.

We believe in Eastside’s mission that this is for everyone! I think one of the advantages of a big church is there’s always room for everybody, and so we invite like crazy. When we talk to people, we try to bring up God in any conversation and situation. We tell people that they’re going to love Eastside and that there is something for them! People won’t drive that far to go to church, so having campuses in different locations gives everybody the opportunity to have a great church experience.

I love the fact that Eastside has just been blessed so much over these years, and in order to go to new locations, you need to have the means to do that. You can look at a multi-site model as being an advantage to Eastside, but I look at it the other way. That it is really an advantage to the community when Eastside is coming to a town near you!

I think we’re called to be disciples, and not just in Anaheim. I love the fact that Eastside has been blessed so much over these years. In order to go to new locations, you need to have the means to do that. We are excited about the future because I can’t think about Eastside without thinking about every single aspect of our life. Everyone we know and love is here. Every fiber of what we are and who we are is here. Why wouldn’t you want to see that succeed and expand? As Gene says, “I think our best years are ahead of us, and I truly, truly believe that.”

My name’s Mitch, and I’m unfinished.

My name is Judy, and I’m unfinished.