Everyone has a different moment of breakthrough where they encounter God. For Mike and Beth, it was when their first child was born. Instantly, their values were re-prioritized. Beth felt the need to get her life in order, and that’s when she surrendered to God. As their family grew, Mike eventually served as an associate pastor for a local church. He performed the role for more than a decade. Finally, however, Mike began to feel God leading him to step away from this. As their youngest daughter graduated from high school in 2017, he took a step of faith and resigned from his position. The family wandered a bit and explored other churches. Later, they plugged back into the church where he had worked, but something wasn’t right.
At this point, Mike felt lost. “Where should we go on Sunday?” he asked. Beth suggested they try Eastside and pulled up the website. The moment they got into their car after that first Sunday, they looked at each other and sighed in relief. Finally, they had found a new church to call home. Even with a 50-minute drive, Mike and Beth make the almost hour-long commute every week because being part of such a vibrant church was worth it.
Finally, they had found a new church to call home. Even with a 50-minute drive, Mike and Beth make the almost hour-long commute every week because being part of such a vibrant church was worth it.

Initially, they both appreciated how engaging the sermons and teaching were. They weren’t “zoning out” during the sermons like they’d done at their previous church. They were learning and growing in their faith. Then, as they got more involved and plugged into serving, they were pleasantly surprised to see what positive attitudes people had. No one was grumpy about serving, which made ministry fun. When Mike first attended, he was encouraged to hear people’s stories and get to know them on a deeper level. The level of unity that developed from those relationships blew him away.
Just recently, Mike and Beth attended an event with other Eastsiders dreaming about the future, and Mike was moved to tears. He felt they were truly a part of something bigger, something that mattered. They don’t know all God has in store for them in the future, and they wish they could be closer to their four kids and four grandkids in the Montana area. Even though they are far from the rest of the family, their kids can still see how involved they are with church. “We can be role models for the kids. To see what it means to be faithful to the Lord and serve in our church,” Mike said. They are thankful they can live lives showing the value of vibrant faith and a transformative church community like Eastside. “We don’t even mind the long drive,” said Beth. “We get to see God’s creation and enjoy our time together driving to church on Sunday mornings.”